Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Page239 of by the burn, by James Kelman

Caitlin's group.


Anonymous said...

P- The writer uses explicit language to convey a sense of reality and bring the character to life.
C- Page 239
Q- "Fucking bogging mud man."
E- By using harsh words this shows the character's anger.

P- The weather matches the character's mood.
C- Page 239
Q- The sky was full of dark grey clouds,"
E- The weather is wet and dark, this shows the character's mood.

P- The burn can be seen as a metaphor for the "flow" of life.
C- Page 239
Q- So there is no chance of him crossing."
E- This showns that the character is lost or struggling with life.

P- The writer never tells us the characters name.
C- Throughout the page
Q-'He pulled himself clear..into it forever'
E-This may appear to make the story impersonal but infact the stroys' depth is not affcted as we can already relate to the character through his thoughts and surrounings.

P- The characters surrounding mirrors the situation he is in, like a pathetic fallacy.
C-Throughout the page.
Q-'But it was bad and each step now his boot sunk in an inch or so'
E- The character is under alot of stress at home, being unemployed, arguments with his wife and the death of his daugher. it seems he is sinking deeper and deeper into, which is reflected by him sinking into the mud. As if even nature is conspiring against him.

Anonymous said...

on this page we get the first temperal journey forward to an imaginative situation where he makes the interview